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Protected: Dan Bubien & The Delta Struts – August 10, 2024

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Newsletter subscribers: Sorry for the recent, nonsensical-looking email entitled “Tickets”… it was not supposed to go out as a newsletter. It was supposed to just be a page on our web site, where you can quickly access ticket links for concerts.

But while we have your attention and while we’re on the subject, we have gotten some questions recently regarding how often we will be requiring tickets for our events.

We just want to reassure you that Big Rail’s events are going to always remain *mostly* free to attend. We have booked a total of 10 ticketed concerts this year, and over 90 free concerts and other events. And, during the few ticketed events we do, only the beer garden area will require a ticket to enter… the tap room and patio area behind the building will always be free and open to the public.

We don’t like having to sell tickets, as it just creates headaches for everyone involved, and we make every effort to keep the price as low as possible — sometimes you might even see us do “pay-what-you-want” events.

But selling tickets is often necessary when we’re bringing in a nationally touring act, as these bands live on the road and have to pay their bills somehow. Big Rail doesn’t really make any profits on the ticket sales, as the ticket price goes almost entirely to the performers with only a little bit set aside to help us improve our sound & lights and cover other concert-related expenses.*

For the concerts that are not ticketed, if you think good music is worth paying for, please consider throwing a few bucks in our music donation box. It really helps us keep the free music flowing! All donations go directly towards paying the artists’ performance fees.

Thanks for reading, hopefully this clears up our ever-evolving vision for Big Rail a little bit.

We’ll see you in the woods.

*The accountant is writing this email, so you know it’s really true, not some kind of hand-waving to make the reader feel better.